Panhandle Firemen's and Firemarshals' Association 2014 Auction Quilt

(Panhandle & South Plains of Texas)

Honoring West Texas Firefighters

Honoring West Texas Firefighters

PFFMA is an organization of fire departments in the Panhandle and South Plains of Texas. The organization represents over one hundred fire departments and is a member of the State Firemen's and Firemarshals' Association. Members of this organization serve thirty-eight counties of the two-hundred fifty-four counties, comprising over 37,000 square miles in the state of Texas.

T-shirts were collected from fire stations throughout the Panhandle to be made into a quilt honoring the fire fighters who faithfully and selflessly protect the people and property of this vast region of Texas. Special t-shirts were put on the back of the quilt to honor the sacrifice of fallen firefighters.

At the 2014 annual conference the quilt was put up for auction to raise money for the fund to help the families of fallen fire fighters. After a bidding frenzy, the quilt was sold for the amazing sum of $2000 offered by the men of the West Carlisle Fire Station.

To learn more about the PFFMA and the amazing fire fighters of West Texas, please visit the Panhandle Firemen's and Firemarshals' Association page on Facebook.

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